Ways To Prevent Nuisance Calls Without Spending Too Much

All of us have, at one time or another, fallen victim to a nuisance caller, and we all know that once they have made contact they are very determined not to let go. The irritation felt by any victim of nuisance telephone calls is something that cannot be overstated. There are ways around this, and it is important to employ as many as possible.

1. Get added to a call-barring list. This means that by law you cannot be contacted by companies for the purpose of sales, and if they try they will get a dead line. If they do manage to get through they can face legal action.

2. Change your number. This step is not ideal, but for people who have tried everything else and had no luck, changing your telephone number can end all the nuisance calls once and for all.

3. Screen calls. If you have a voicemail answerphone, this system is one that can work well. Wait for them to speak after the beep. If it is a friend, pick up. If it is a foe, let the machine get it and don’t call them back – do call the police if necessary.

4. Look into Reverse Phone Lookup systems. These operate like a telephone directory in reverse. If someone keeps calling you, and you do not recognise the number, the chances are that a quick check in the Reverse Phone Directory will be enough to shed light on their identity, and from there you can put a stop to their calls.